"Doctor Angel"

The shining star of the medical world, noble in both origin and disposition, as sweet as a person can be. However, in a world where unspeakable things are lurking, the unrivalled intellect and gentleness aren't his only reputation.

Personnel record

Full name: Prof. Dr. Siegfried Richter, M.D.
Age: 50 yrs.
Birthdate: 17/7/1973
Nationality: German
Ethnicity: German-Dutch
Birthplace: Heidelberg, Germany
Blood type: AB negative
Congenital illness: Mild haemophilia A
Careers: Pediatric neurosurgeon, teaching professor, medical attorney
Academic rank: W3 professor
Marital status: Married, one daughter

Academic history

InternshipKarolinska University HospitalStockholm, SEn/a
ResidencySekhmet InstituteHeidelberg, DENeurosurgery
FellowshipSekhmet InstituteHeidelberg, DEPediatric neurosurgery
Senior highInternationale Gesamtschule HeidelbergHeidelberg, DEAcademic
Bachelor #1Sekhmet College of Healthcare SciencesHeidelberg, DEMedicine
Bachelor #2Heidelberg UniversityHeidelberg, DELaw
Joint Master-DoctorateInterdisciplinary Center for Neurosciences Heidelberg, University HeidelbergHeidelberg, DENeuroscience
Master #2Martin Luther University Halle-WittenbergWittenberg, DEMedical ethics law
ProfessorshipSekhmet College of Healthcare SciencesHeidelberg, DENeuroscience (clinical)

Main affiliations


He was the 2nd patriarch of the Richters: the ancient noble house from Xanten, feared for its history of executing outlaws regardless of status for hundreds of years and later ruling a county. The family is now the affluent family of esteemed scholars that patronizes hospitals and universities across Germany.It owns two organizations; Themis International Legal Office and Sekhmet Institute. Though they all make a massive income, their primary purpose is not far from the ancestor's will: to serve people.


Holding the President position, he has the highest authority in this leading quaternary hospital and research centre, where excellent care is given to all and medical dreams come true. That doesn't exempt him from working around the clock as a pediatric neurosurgeon and professor at its medical college, though.He's often seen in surgical scrubs or a good ol' shirt and tie with a white doctor's coat. Sometimes, he was accompanied by a group of medical students and younger physicians under his supervision.


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Special info: Code-137

"Thinking I have nothing up my sleeves?
My dear, that mistake can cost you your LIFE."

Siegfried is a bright-minded servitor of an intelligent serpent-god Naith'ra. Sporting the eldritch powers granted by his master, he's mutated into [REDACTED] that can [REDACTED] other humans. However, he's still siding with humanity.He's looked after by a fragment of the god itself, manifesting as his alter.-----Being an outer god's servitor, he has a multitude of powers. The most noticeable is the [REDACTED] physiology and eyes that can deliver insanity. There is also a universal manipulation power that can either create or [REDACTED]. Physical strength isn't his forte, but his psychic prowess is outstanding.Siegfried also has benevolent powers; healing factors, ailment-detecting senses, and an enhanced tolerance. Yet, they should also be used with caution.In fact, there are more, and none should be pronounced.

Known mutations

NameDistinctionThreat level
AtziluthHalf of the head is an armillary sphere, one eye in mouthExtremely high
Greater KeyKeyhole on chest, giant key as staff/weaponExtremely high
SentinelBlack gooey cloak, thorn crown w/ white flowers & eyesHigh
GuardianThree heads (one for each mind), serpentine lower bodyMedium
AssimilatedTurquoise iris w/ black sclerae, black hands & feetLow-medium